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Hello, and welcome to my blog. My name is Jakki, and I have lived in Northern Ireland for 20+ years. For anyone who is unaware, Northern Ireland is a post-conflict society, working through a peace process which has become like swimming through treacle. There are those, including the Westminster Government, who would like to treat the past like another country, but they are at odds with the vast majority of people who want, somehow, to deal with the past.  When I moved to Northern Ireland, I was. coming with a sense of optimism that I was entering a society that was starting to move forwards after the Good Friday Agreement. I overlooked that I was leaving my reproductive rights at the door, not realising that the judgement of the midwife who was giving me the morning after pill was more related to the posters on the wall warning that the pills were pretty much an abortion than tutting over only using one form of contraception. It only clicked with me when my GP was visibly relieved that

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